Community market

Each second Saturday in the month there's a community market in the village hall from 10am to 1pm, at which home-made cakes, preserves and artisan bread are on sale, usually with other stalls offering cheeses, plants, fruit & veg, local crafts, and second-hand books.
The community market has its own Facebook page which advertises upcoming specialities.
If you're interested in taking a stall at any of the markets contact Lanie Allen.

Parish café

Begun in 2024, Hamstead's Parish Café is held once a month in the village hall, from 2 until 4pm on (usually) a Thursday. All are welcome to come and enjoy cakes, sandwiches, tea and coffee in a convivial neighbourly atmosphere. There's no charge, but Anne Budd would appreciate knowing if you are thinking of coming.

See the Noticeboard page or look in the Hamstead Hornet for dates.

Circle of Friends

This is a women's group for all ages, which meets informally once a month to hear a speaker and to chat.
There's no fixed membership: newcomers are welcome, and regulars are encouraged to bring friends.
Meetings are usually from 19.00 to 21.30 on the first Thursday of each month (except January and August) in the village hall.
£3 covers entry, tea/coffee and raffle.
See the Noticeboard page or look in the Hamstead Hornet for dates, or contact Sue Watts on 01488 658932 to learn more.

Bonfire night party

On 5th November the community market group organises a splendid firework display, preceded by a guy competition and a massive bonfire on the village hall recreation ground. Drinks and snacks are on sale. Entry is free, but a collection is made for charity.

Mobile library

The mobile library visits the village, usually every third Thursday, from 10.40 to 11.10am. The stop used to be at the village hall, but is now at Ash Tree Grove. (see the Noticeboard page or the WBC library service page for specific dates).

The mobile service also operates an At Home loans service for residents who are housebound. Volunteers will collect and deliver library books on request. To find out more about this service see the WBC library service page.

Carol singing

Sarah and Mick Ward organise carol singing around the village on a designated evening close to Christmas.
Due to the spread-out geography of the village each area has to take its turn: Chapel Corner, Ash Tree Corner and Craven Hill. All ages are welcome to join. The group usually meets at 7pm, tours the area singing and collecting for a chosen charity, and then has refreshments either at Sarah's house or another host.
Details of the date, area, meeting arrangments and chosen charity are publicised in the Hamstead Hornet and on the Noticeboard page in early December.

Ladies Who Brunch

Ladies Who Brunch meet monthly for a glass of bubbles, a two-course brunch and tea/coffee, and to raise a bit for local charities. There is usually a speaker and a raffle.
The event is usually on the second Thursday of the month. The ticket price includes £1 towards the charity of the month.
Anyone can attend, but booking with Lanie Allen by email or on 01488 658168 is essential.
See the Noticeboard page or look in the Hamstead Hornet for dates.

Other open events at the village hall

Pilates classes are held on Tuesday mornings, 9.30-10.30. contact Jenny Carter for details.

For details on these and anything else that's currently happening see the Noticeboard page.